07 February 2023
Assalammualaikum everyone.
Our centre is currently open for course/classroom rental.
Contact us at 97336324 for rates and more information!
Jazakummullahu kheir
30 April 2022
Assalammualaikum everyone.
Our centre will be closed on 1-4 May 2022 in celebration of Eid-ul Fitr. We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone Eid Mubarak, Taqabbalallahu Minna Wa Minkum. May Allah accept all our deeds & worship and ease all of our affairs.
Thank you everyone for the tremendous support. May Allah reward you abundantly in this dunia and akhirat.
Allahumma ameen. ​
Jazakummullahu kheir
15 April 2022
Assalammualaikum everyone.
Alhamdulillah tsumma Alhamdulillah
Our Umrah Akbar package registration is officially closed. Thank you everyone for the overwhelming response. We look forward to performing umrah together with all of you. May Allah bless our intentions and ease all of our affairs.
Allahumma ameen. ​
Thank you, Jazakummullahu kheir
2 March 2022
Assalammualaikum everyone.
Alhamdulillah tsumma Alhamdulillah
At-Tabseer Education Services together with Syukran Travel Pte Ltd and MD Akbar Travel & Tours Pte Ltd
invite you to 'UMRAH AKBAR' this year end!
You'll be specially guided by:
- Ustaz Fadhly Rosli
- Hj Ismail Sapari
- Nasiruddin Md Said
- Md Akbar
Also joining us, our special guests:
- Prof Madya Dato' Mohd Izhar Ariff (Dr MAI), Malaysia
- Brother Suzhairie Sumari, Singapore
Contact us now at 97336324 to find out more or click here or picture below to register now!
Thank you, Jazakummullahu kheir
- Admin
19 February 2022
Assalammualaikum everyone.
There won't be any self collection for the period of 24 February 2022 - 13 March 2022.
Thank you for your constant support and patience as we prepare to better serve you in our new location. We will be announcing our new location on 14 March 2022, InshaAllah!
Thank you, Jazakummullahu kheir
- Admin
9 June 2021
Assalammualaikum everyone.
Just to update that our website currently unable to accept bookings for the month of July.
We are still looking into the issue and trying to rectify it.
Nonetheless, if you wish to book an appointment for ruqyah, tahlil or tahnik, you may contact us here or whatsapp 97336324.
We will be able to assist and book the appointment for you manually.
For our weekly kuliah lessons, if the issue is still not fixed by end of June, we will share the zoom meeting ID here
(limit to 100 pax) and will continue to stream live in Youtube and IG.
Thank you, Jazakummullahu kheir
- Admin
19 May 2021
As per the recent heightened Covid situation in Singapore, we will no longer be accepting walk-in purchases in our office/store.
All purchases have to be made online or via phone call to 9733 6324.
Our staff will prepare the items and bring your purchases to the main door.
No cash payment, only payment via PayNow to UEN: 53381064K or Bank Transfer: POSB Savings 278-10700-0
We thank you for your cooperation and may we be kept safe from all illness and harm.
- Admin
Memandangkan situasi Covid yang meningkat di Singapura baru-baru ini, kami tidak akan lagi menerima pembelian masuk di pejabat / kedai kami.
Semua pembelian harus dibuat secara online atau melalui panggilan telefon ke 9733 6324.
Kakitangan kami akan menyiapkan barang dan membawa pembelian anda ke pintu utama.
Kami tidak menerima pembayaran tunai, hanya pembayaran melalui PayNow ke UEN: 53381064K atau Transfer Bank: POSB Savings 278-10700-0
Terima kasih atas kerjasama anda dan semoga kita dijaga dari semua penyakit dan marabahaya.
- Admin